Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Say NO to Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease) @Tooth Decay

To prevent the Periodontal (Gum) Disease @ Tooth decay, the most important thing is we have to brush our teeth for twice daily. Besides that, the correct way of brushing our teeth is the most important step when we are brushing our teeth.

Normally, most people will brush their teeth using incorrect way naturally just like brush the teeth in the way from left to right or from right to left . Actually, the correct way of brushing our teeth is from up to down or from down to up. Hence, when you are using T-shaped toothbrush (Multiway Denson Toothbrush), you can smoothly brush your teeth in the correct method (in up and down method) and can completely clean your teeth whether it is in the inner part or outer part. Without of expectation, this two situations may enhance your interest in brushing your teeth especially your child who is still learning to brush their teeth and you will easily teach your child the correct method of brushing the teeth when using T-shaped toothbrush. T-shaped toothbrush meets the recommendation and increases the effectiveness when cleaning the teeth. For an example, T-shaped razor , it is easy to use and it does provides more cleaning action.

Futhermore, if we use ordinary toothbrush, you cant effectively brush the inner part of your teeth. Normally, the bacteria along with mucus and other particles, constantly and easily form a sticky and colorless "plaque" on your inner part of your teeth. When you are using this Multiway T-shaped toothbrush, you can be easily brushed the teeth in the inner part and effectively remove the coffee stains, tobacco stains and the plague that are on your teeth.

Multiway T-shaped toothbrush use high quality bristles (Dupont Nylon 612) and has been approved by the FDA of United States. Hence, when you are brushing your teeth, you will not easily get hurt the gum which would result in bleeding because you are using a high quality bristles.
In addition, when using Multiway T-shaped toothbrush, the user can easily control the speed, movement and direction of teeth brushing. 

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